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    10 for 2010 - This List

    I know this title is totally predictable but I couldn't think of anything else!
    So a couple weeks ago I reviewed my 2009 list and how I did, and now it's time for my 2010 list. I love lists. I've said it before, but seriously, I'm slightly obsessed. I make them at home, at work, mentally, written, verbally. A friend even game me a book titled "Listography" knowing how much I love lists.

    So here we go my 10 goals for the year.

    1. Blog every day for 1 month.
    2. Do a mentoring session or workshop with a photographer that inspires me.
    3. Respond to all emails and messages the same day I receive them.
    4. Book 3 more weddings
    5. Run 10k in under an hour.
    6. Drive less
    7. Read 12 books
    8. Catch up with friends I've lost touch with
    9. Get to know other photographers in my community
    10. Do something that scares me

    There it is, my list for the year. I made it tough because I want to push myself. If there's one thing I learned this past year it's that if I push myself, things happen. So I'm dreaming big, setting big goals and going forward knowing I can make them all a reality.

    Instead of posting a photo I thought I'd do something new and post a video. It's of me, skating -for probably the 2nd time in 10 years. I had asked Kyle to take a photo of my "skating move" and instead of taking a picture he shot video. Here's what resulted. :)

    Skating Moves from Shannon Yau on Vimeo.


    Anonymous said...

    OMG I love it!! The list AND the video :)

    Anonymous said...

    Hahaha! Love the skating video Shan.

    Would ski diving scare you??? You could come with us when we are in Mexico. You could tick that one off your list then!


    Anonymous said...

    Ha! Ha! Ha!
    You know exactly what I'm laughing at. Lady, you got alllll the moves!

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