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    Olympic spirit!

    I know it's been a long time since I did a post, so I worked hard to ensure this one would be substantial!

    The Olympics. Call me nerdy, but I love them. Like I LOVE them. For someone who doesn't really like sports, I am freakishly obsessed with the Olympics. I think I've nailed down why though.

    1. 1988. I was there, granted I was 5 but I remember them. I remember standing in the cold with my miniature candle lit torch. I remember visiting the pandas at the zoo as many times as my parents would take me. I remember collecting pins. I remember Heidi and Howdy and how I wanted anything and everything that concerned them. I think I even remember my mom telling me they went to the north pole to help Santa when I was sad they were gone. This is where my love of the Olympics began.

    2. I love what it stands for. Take away the corporate sponsors and ridiculous advertising; the Olympics bring the world together. They celebrate people who work incredibly hard to be the best at something. It celebrates universal togetherness. I don't know these athletes but when you see their reaction to winning you can't help but by happy for them. When someone falls you feel the pain. These people are passionate about their sport. They work for years for perhaps a 1 minute run down a mountain and you can't help but want to cheer them on.

    3. National pride. I was just in Vancouver and it was INCREDIBLE. I can't describe the feeling. There was a buzz in the air, everyone you saw was excited to be there. I know there's been alot of negative press about these olympics but when you're there, those things don't matter. On the streets of Vancouver it is a giant party and people could not be more proud or excited to be a part of it. I have never seen so many Canadian flags, little, big, building sized, they're everywhere. As you get closer to the venues and Olympic village you start to see other flags too, ordinary people showing their support for the other participants.

    So that is just a little bit about why I love the Olympics. Another bonus, Kyle and I don't argue about what channel to watch at night. :)

    Here are just a few photos from our whirlwind weekend to Vancouver. The band photos are from one of the free venues, Live City, and are of 2 artists, Rich Hope and Elliot Brood.







    kyle took this one!







    Ali Abel said...

    these are great photos Shannon! I wish I could make it out there to take part is some of the action and excitement!

    brentgibson said...

    Wow!! Those are spectacular. Got to send them to the band, I'm sure they would love it.

    amy said...

    oh my stars. ms yau! these are FABULOUS shots . go get em olympic tiger!

    Lindsey said...

    Wow they are great!!

    Anonymous said...

    What did you do, stick your lens through the chain link fence? Oh, wait a minute...that smells like photoshop to me. Carla

    Anonymous said...

    Oh Shannon - been waiting for this post, the photos are great and I agree you should send them to the band!

    Jen Cooper said...

    Such awesome photos!! I love Vancouver and its very cool to see it through your lens.

    shannon said...

    Excuse me ms. carla but that shot of the torch is the result of some serious acrobatics involving me balancing on the back of a bench and kyle's shoulders while still holding the camera steady..and maybe a bit of cropping. :)

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