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    the 2009 list - revisited

    Ok, i failed. I didn't blog yesterday. Can i take a mulligan? I just didn't have anything to say. but.. today I do! Every year I make my list. My list of things I want to accomplish for the year. As I already shared, I am in love with the biggest loser and the finale reminded me to revisit my 2009 list to see how I did. I set goals, but did I attain them? Here it goes:

    The List 2009
    1. Pay off credit card and keep it under control - umm no. not even close

    2. Run the Melissa's 10k run - well i wanted to, but it sold out before I had a chance, I did run the Calgary Stampete 10K, so I guess it's not a complete right off.

    3. Take a photography course - yup! I took portrait photography at ACAD last spring, it was fantastic.

    4. Shoot 3 portrait sessions- wow, I honestly can't believe this was my goal, it's a reminder of how fantastic this year has really been.

    5. Bring my lunch to work 4 days a week - yes and no. i tried and some weeks I accomplished this, and sometimes I didn't. It's an ongoing battle.

    6. Read 12 books-not quite, I'm at 10, I could still make it though over Christmas break! Incase you're interested, here's what I read:
    -Prisoner of Tehran
    -Love is a Mix Tape
    -Dreams of my father
    -the 4 Twilight books
    -The Glass Castle
    -The Gum Theif

    7.Do yoga - not nearly as much as I'd like to you, but yes I did.

    8. watch an entire sunrise - sure did! From inside a train traveling from Paris to southern France. which brings me to number 9!

    9. Set foot on another continent - YES!! my favorite, Europe. Spent 3 weeks traveling through France and Spain.

    Well, I don't think that's too bad 6 of 9, possibly 7. Stay tuned because the 2010 list will be coming soon! AND because I didn't take any photos of the sunrise I'll post the next best, sunset in Spain.



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